First Lost, Then Found

UK astronomer and mathematician, Sir Arthur Eddington, throughout a career of intense study of the universe, came to the poetic conclusion, "Something unknown is doing we don't know what."

The more we seek to understand the nature of things, the more we end up in Eddington's position of not knowing. It is a beautiful position to end up in being one of pure surrender.

At the same time, not knowing is a form of knowing.  

Knowing that you don't know is liberating. It frees you from all the trying that comes from all the seeking (and all the frustration of not knowing in the first place).

Instead of searching for the elusive answer, now we can hold the question as a mystery. We can let the question lead us on an adventure—an adventure, perhaps, with no end.

Instead of trying to understand, we journey with open heart and open mind. Knowing, then, starts to happen through us. We become informed through no effort of our own.

Welcome to the Path of Wisdom.

This path only serves the innocent and pure of heart. We become innocent and pure of heart by seeking, not finding, and surrendering our personal will to something more cosmic.

First comes lost, then comes found.