Drown the I

(Mars meets Chiron. The Sun summits.)

Ardent devotees seek solitude and silence to strip away every psychological layer clothing the deeply entrenched “I.”

I, the imposter, presenting as your Self, is the beginning and end of mental, emotional, and spiritual emancipation. For those who are invested in this noble pursuit, I must be exposed and confronted.

It is the I that fights against what is, potentially causing a lifetime of misery. The work of I emancipation is so excruciatingly difficult, most of us choose to dismiss it and get busy with work and distraction, of which there are endless sources.

Who has the problem? Who has the worry? Who can’t understand?

I, in every case.

So, then, we must figure out who this I is.

As a start to this million-mile journey, know that your stress is the I resisting something it doesn’t care for.

You, the witnessing consciousness, with far superior creative agency, can take a step back and see the dynamic playing out — and get curious about it.

Ultimately, there is no problem to solve, no question to answer, and nothing to do. Realizing this, step-by-step, is how the I drowns, just like depriving a bad habit.


Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and please share if you feel another could be benefited.