The Sun is Right Here

(Above: The Sun enters Pisces)

The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.
— Rainer Maria Rilke

Blessed are the undistracted. Blessed are the dis-entertained.

What you have gained in their place is the boon of self-awareness. You are paying attention and experiencing your own thoughts and emotions (the very reason many choose to distract and entertain).

What is unfolding before you? What is arising? Where is your attention pointed? What are you working towards? What is inspiring you? What is bringing you joy?

We don’t create our future. We walk into it. Its presence can be felt now, if you stop to take a look.

Honestly answer the questions above and you will identify correlated themes, which will give you a fairly good idea of what is yet to emerge. Take a peak.

The future can’t appear out of thin air. It is built in the present moment, almost undetectable to most.

You are setting yourself up for something, while having a present moment experience. The past is involved as well, as its learnings help calibrate our compass.

Are you stuck in sadness? Are you struggling? Are you in pain?

No feeling is final, and nothing in experience lasts forever. It comes, it stays, and it goes. All in due time.

What can you learn from the present difficulty? What is it undoing? What could it be setting up?

Fear resembles a trip wire. It lurks and can make us fall at any given moment. Fear, not to be underestimated, is a reaction in the nervous system to a perceived threat. Our brains evolved for survival, so we are highly tuned to what could be dangerous.

If we believe we are under attack or something is going to go wrong, we feel fear. It makes us freeze and stop what we are doing to prevent a future bad outcome. It is helpful when in the presence of a lion, or a legitimate survival threat.

It is not helpful when it comes to matters of the heart and expressing your true self.

Your chances of survival are 0%. Zero percent. That gives us a kind of freedom. A freedom to “go for it.” Act on your crazy ideas. Love where you feel love. Generally, live your best life possible.

Understanding this helps to overrule fear in some cases.

If you knew the resources you have available at any given time, wonders you would create. All in good time.

Remember, you are on a journey and the journey is the destination. You will continue to be carried evermore into the horizon.

Yet the Sun is right here. 🐼

Suggested Use
- Have pen and paper ready.
- Read this passage once.
- Then, reread it a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect.
- Journal any connections or intentions that come to you.
- Come back a few days later and read again.
- Repeat two or three more times.

There is no correct answer. Only take what resonates.
Kindly share this post if you feel another could benefit.

ॐ शान्तिः