Beauty is Within
(Mercury goes direct.)
Everlasting beauty is found within. It does not rest on outward appearance.
Yoga, spirituality, the Hero’s Path all have in common the result of uncovering this beauty.
The method?
Peeling away layer after layer after layer of the muck and mire standing in its way.
On paper, anybody would say yes to this process. When the rubber hits the road however, watch how many choose to return to doing and distraction.
It hurts to peel back your layers. Your coping strategies. Your masks. Your trauma. Your personality. Your avoidance patterns. Your fear and insecurities.
It hurts and it hurts and it hurts. Until it doesn’t.
You will be given signs and signals your efforts are bearing fruit — that’s the only thing that would keep you marching through such boggy, unknown waters.
You know nothing else in this world — nothing — matters more than this work and finding out who and what you truly are. That is why we all eventually turn towards it.
Each day must begin and end ceremonial fashion. Light a candle. Give thanks. Pray. Meditate. Share your heart with others on the road.
And keep moving forward no matter what comes in your way.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and please share if you feel another could be benefited.