Be Your Own Answer

The path to knowing and loving your Self — the true You — at one point or another, will show you your deepest fears and insecurities.

Not out of malicious intent but to show and offer you the opportunity to learn the mechanics of fear, how to work with it, and, ultimately, how to dislodge it from the inner layers of your consciousness.

For the most part, we turn away from what we are afraid of because of the discomfort. It is a perfectly acceptable choice — neither good nor bad. Though there are consequences that block your light from shining through.

Fear freezes. Creates self-doubt and confusion and, most perniciously, causes us to go looking outside of ourselves for alleviation of the pain. Like any topical medication, doing so can have acute benefit though does not cure the ailment.

You must be your own answer. Even in the midst of fierce winds of difficulty that bring us to our knees. Yes, shout. Yes, cry out in agony. Yes, share with others.

Yes, use the circumstance to find your Self.

You must get very still. Very quiet. And listen within. You can even ask your knowing heart that is 50 steps ahead of your worried mind, “Tell me what I need to know.” Then patiently wait for the answer. It will come, especially with practice.

Trust your instincts. Trust your Self. This is reaching for the top of the pyramid. Start there.

If outside resources are required, be surprised at how they start to show and line up effortlessly, without you asking.

Be your own answer. There is no religion higher than your own Truth.

Trust it.

(Is there any good reason not to?)


Note to reader: Take what is beneficial, and leave the rest behind.