Live What You Know
Nature, with its incomprehensible levels of complexity and biodiversity, naturally, without effort, maintains a state of dynamic equilibrium.
Nature is not governed. It is not told what to do (except by humans). It is organic, has its own rhythms, laws even, and requires no policing or oversight. Everybody gets fed, everything gets done.
Humans, we, are governed. Told what to do. How to think and even how to feel. We have split off from nature, become civilized, and live mostly in a constant state of stress, anxiety, disease, and war.
Solutions to these maladies are then manufactured and sold by the governors, worsening the original diagnosis.
A valuable, though sordid chapter of human history is coming to a crashing end. If weather teaches us anything, it’s that nature has absolute authority.
We have the same instincts that all of our plant, tree, and animal friends have. We know how to keep the peace, ensure sustainability, and keep our streets safe. There is little need, if any, to abdicate these abilities to 3rd party sources. We are learning that — the hard way.
We are going to watch the tower fall and break into a million pieces. We must remember that it is a healing, movement of evolution to overthrow malicious leadership and reinstall true human authority that will lead this planet and its residents to salvation.
Most everybody is distracted, entertained, and hypnotized to varying degrees. By politics, by the news, endless content, glowing screens, substance and work addictions, and so on. Such people grow increasingly dangerous to the servant of Truth and chosen keepers of the Earth.
You must live what you know, no matter what or who says otherwise.
This means to abide and follow the truth in your heart that is revealed by a sober lifestyle, silence, and meditation. It will show you the way forward. It will empower you. It will have you act. And much more.
You belong to no one and no one belongs to you. Your allegiance is to yourself only.
Because you are everything else, when you keep this allegiance, you maintain the equilibrium.
You are one and you are everybody.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.