Time to Shine
(Happy Easter! Venus enters Gemini. The Sun meets Jupiter in Aries.)
If you picture a tree, control would be the trunk. Fear, the leaves and forgetfulness, the roots.
If we feel fear, we are trying to control an outcome. We are trying to get what we think is best for us. Doing so is very understandable — you’ve been taught it’s normal since a very early age, and have the methodology reinforced on a daily basis through your peers, family, and most aspects of modern society.
Your self-esteem will largely be built around what you have — especially those objects and achievements that gain the most approval.
Fear, of course, results. What if you don't get what you think is best? Quite a litany of undesirable outcomes unfold in the mind, creating further controlling behavior, more fear, and so on until we reach a breaking point and seek a different way.
We are missing a few pieces of the puzzle not commonly taught in school, read on the news, or held over coffee-inspired conversation.
There is no knowable future – outcomes are future-dependent. How in the world can you plan? Do you know with 100% absolute certainty what is going to happen in the next five hours of your day? The future exists only as a mind-made concept, it has zero basis in reality.
You don’t know what’s best - that’s a good thing. Most people put a lot of effort to get the things they want only to find those things don’t quite scratch the “wanting” itch. Further wanting results, ad infinitum.
What is, is best - that’s just basic logic. Reality exists in the moment and by definition is best because there is nothing to compare it against. That would include all of your problems and discomforts.
Healing happens in discomfort - it is typically what we don’t want and work to get rid of that is our greatest teacher and healer. Why avoid what is?
Forget what the I wants. Forget the future. And know without a shadow of a doubt: you are already where you want to be. Right here, right now, with all your foibles and so called shortcomings.
Are they not just as beautiful as all of your strengths and talents — perhaps a touch more so, as they contain the seeds of vulnerability and compassion?
You let go of control by remembering the Truth and your anxiety-producing, effort-fueled life slows down and moves toward happiness, harmony, and love of the way things are.
It’s time to shine, friends.