Thinking is Optional

(Full Moon in Sagittarius. Venus Enters Leo… for four months.)

It’s already been thought of. Everything.

You do not need to think about it. Whatever it is.

Could be a problem. A dream. A concern. A health situation, and so on.

Whatever it is, is vibrating inside of you, alive and vital. It gets the attention of the mind, which then analyzes, categorizes, gives language to, and effectively creates a complicated cat’s cradle out of a simple piece of string.

Interesting, to be sure, neither right nor wrong but backed by belief in the reality of the mind’s interpretation and battle plans, we are sure to get stressed, or even suffer.

We think we are in control. We can change the outcome.

We think we know what is best. Personal striving grips us. The movement to get what we want.

You become a single, isolated self, while wondering why you are all alone in your quest to make things right. Everybody does this. Is it any wonder why there are so many isms, schisms, splits, fractions, divisions, conflicts, and war?

“Can’t we all just get along? — Rodney King

It’s not hard. It’s harder not to.

Thinking, like any addictive substance, is addictive. We get attached to it. Don’t know who we’d be without it. (Answer. Free.)

Even though it causes us great pain, there is a certain satisfaction from believing our thoughts and believing we are in control of our destiny. It make us feel powerful. Makes us feel productive. Makes us feel like we matter.

Sound familiar? Guess what friends — that’s all ego stuff. And it’s killing us. Killing us.

What if you knew all is well now, and will be? You don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to plan. To fix. To make things right, or make things happen. It’s already done.

Armed with this knowledge, the peaceful warrior is empty-yet-full. She walks towards the Sun, present, open, with knowing eyes and a fixed smile. In her powerlessness, she becomes all-powerful.

Isn’t that something?

As far as the thing that’s getting your attention is concerned. Let it be. Give it space to breathe. And watch how it sorts itself out, effortlessly.

Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat.

There is no right answer. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.