Navigating Negativity

(Venus retrograde in Leo. Chiron retrograde in Aries. Pluto squares the Lunar Nodes. Mercury enters Virgo. Churning, deep emotional churning.)

The path towards peace is a process of constant refinement. Loosening bonds, dusting ourselves off, and sharpening our awareness.

It’s affect is most visible in the eyes, gazing externally and internally — ever watchful, like a majestic owl.

We learn to catch things before they have the opportunity to grow.

What is driving you crazy right now?

Whatever that is, quite possibly, is your greatest outside teacher — the grinding stone that beckons for you to pay attention to something as yet unhealed.

Constantly reacting to it through anger, indignation, outrage, exasperation effects no change, as you are well aware. Seeking to eliminate it (or yourself) from the equation — you know where that path leads.

Healthy, heart-centered, confident confrontation, certainly, is indicated in such a situation. It can get the circle moving in the right direction. Do it if you feel called. Truth heals.


Beyond confrontation is a more subtle practice of great potency. Allowing the trigger to move through you, just like a breeze.

We feed it with our negative reactions, causing various types of warfare both within and without.

A truly refined practitioner notices the trigger, sees it for what it is, and at the speed of light, calculates how any and all negative reactions produce no positive outcomes.

She remains still. Unmoved. She does not swat at the mosquito. Her equanimous state of consciousness gives the trigger no suitable host to feed off of, and so it moves on.

That is one of the best outcomes we could ever hope for. 🙏🏻

Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat.

There is no right answer. Only take what resonates or offends. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.