Regression is Progression
“The hard core of human egotism is hardly to be dislodged, except rudely.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
We all want to get there. To the promised land. Free of our samskaras, patterning, inherited trauma, and the rest of it. We know what’s on the other side – abiding peace, ease, and effortless living.
It’s a noble aspiration. There is none higher.
The hitch is that to realize it, you have to not want it. Wanting sources from the ego, which is connected to our personality, and personal story of wounding. It’s in a rush, and it thinks it knows what’s best. And for many of us, is totally in control of our decision-making apparatus.
Thank goodness we are not in control.
To have the aspiration, in fact, is enough. That starts the process and opens up a path.
That path — deathly frustrating to the ego — is anything but linear. It resembles a spiral staircase or double helix.
It goes up (and down), so to speak, and around and around.
As we go up, we inevitably revisit themes we thought we were finished with. That’s the around part.
We may suffer knocks during this time. Falls. A feeling like we are going in the “wrong” direction. All painful to the ego that is in a state of trying with personal willpower to cross the finish line.
It has to be this way. This kind of rocking. Swaying towards progression. Swaying towards regression. Progression feels great. Regression, not as much.
What about enjoying the journey you have no control over? Being in wonder of it.
Who minds a tumble down the mountain when you are not trying to get to the top?
Give yourself time. Ample time. And space.
When the headwinds start blowing and the painful past starts rearing its head again, “Great! I’m headed in the right direction. Let me see what needs to be seen here. Let me address the issue with my new awareness.”
This is how centuries and generations of patterns change direction. It can start with you.
The magic combination is being committed and not attached, at the same time. Easier said than done but nonetheless true.
Grass, again, is a wonderful part of nature to observe. It survives hurricanes, even, because of its low center of gravity (humility) and flexibility. High rise builidngs, ridged and “strong,” tend to topple over.
You just have to keep going. Take your licks knowing nothing wrong is happening. Your aspiration is being made manifest — just not in the way you envisioned but in the way that’s going to get you there.
It’s possible to enjoy this up and down ride, side-to-side ride. The end will come when it comes.
Until then, be it all. 🙏🏻
Suggested Use
- Have pen and paper ready.
- Read this passage once.
- Then read it again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect.
- Journal any connections or intentions that come to you.
- Come back a few days later, and read again.
- Repeat two or three more times.
There is no right answer. Only take what resonates.
Kindly share these words if you feel another could be benefited.
ॐ शान्तिः