In the Now

(This week: Mars goes direct πŸ™πŸ», New Moon in Pisces)

One of the reasons truth seekers seek solitude is to detach from the programming of the world, in which you can get quite lost.

Living in a cave, seeing the same scenery, and doing the same thing day-after-day, you start to realize how unreal time is.

There is no such thing as a day, as we currently reckon it. There is no such thing as progression through weeks, months, and years β€” these are all false constructs and, in fact, a subtle method of control.

What the yogini experiences constantly is the moment and the coming and going of experience. The sun rises, it sets. The winds come, they go. Birds appear, then disappear. And on and on it goes like this, as well as for the inner experience of being human.

We are deeply fixed in something that is hard to put language around, which many call β€œthe now.” That thing β€” whatever it is β€” is real, in the sense it doesn’t change and is not subject to duality nor impermanence. It’s sticky and it stays.

When we drift from it, we experience stress, which is an indicator to come back. Drift far enough away, and we receive more potent signals and not necessarily pleasant ones.

Stay in the now.

It’s a practice that entire spiritual traditions are built around. The key, really, is practicing enough through trial and error, and caring about the subject matter in the first place. With enough suffering though, we start to want relief, and it is found here and now β€” in this space we could call β€œhome.”

Operating from this timeless, esoteric abode gives rise to miracles of creation. Small and large. It is the source of your abiding happiness and peace. Our mind calms and with it the breath.

Watch for the distraction sources and those things that pull us into duality and impermanence. He said-she said gossip. Busyness. Entertainment. Desire.

Why not be at peace? Why not drop into the immortal, timeless now? Everything you need is right here, already provided for.

And what is not yet provided for, will be. That is the essence of trust.

With trust comes the end of doing.

At the end of doing, you find your effortless, fulfilled being.

In the now. 🐼

Suggested Use
- Have pen and paper ready.
- Read this passage once.
- Then, reread it a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect.
- Journal any connections or intentions that come to you.
- Come back a few days later and read again.
- Repeat two or three more times.

There is no correct answer. Only take what resonates.
Kindly share this post if you feel another could benefit.

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