One, Whole, and Complete Now
On the path of truth, love, and compassion, every level and sub-level must be cleansed, purified, and built again new.
That includes: Mind, thoughts, patterns, habits. Heart, emotions, trauma, reaching out. Body, cells, DNA, tissues, organs.
Our pain and ignorance of truth runs that deep and wide. As one level is cleared, another reveals itself, and another after that.
Patience is one of the greatest virtues on this noble path. It often seems progress is not being made and that we, in fact, are regressing.
We must cultivate the ability to see progress in regression. It is not uncommon to take a fall, in order to take a greater step forward. That’s patience.
There are so many ups and downs, twists and turns, and a seemingly infinite amount of obstacles to overcome, we start to entertain a higher practice of patience.
That higher practice of patience entails releasing — totally and fully — our attachment to the outcome we are working so tirelessly toward. And, of course, this is far easier said than done.
However, to keep our heads above water, we become obligated to find a way.
Can I be OK now?
Can I understand I have already arrived… that there is no here and there?
Can I be in the center of this infinite and never-ending matrix of phenomena?
One, whole, and complete now.