Are You Listening?
As GPS is necessary to a pilot, intuition is necessary to the seeker after Truth.
Since each seeker’s journey is unique, in the end, it is your intuition that you must rely on to guide you to where you want to go.
Intuition, born of silence, shows up in the form of inner urging, pulls toward (and away), and very often phrases or insights that immediately ring true.
Intuition can be difficult, at first, to differentiate between everyday mind chatter.
Mind chatter floats on the surface of consciousness and while it might be interesting or entertaining, it does not ring true in the same way that intuition does.
When you just know something to be true, without knowing it… that’s intuition.
Intuition is born of silence. It comes from a deeper well of consciousness and bubbles up organically, at the precisely right time to guide you in the way most needed. (Though born of silence, it is fairly commanding.)
Intuition is just like a muscle. The more you use and rely on it, the stronger and clearer it gets.
One way to train your intuition is by asking questions to yourself — either internally or on paper. Mindfully pose a question and see what answer comes up. Does it feel true? Does the answer resonate? Does it produce joy?
Even better, ask a friend of yours to ask you what your heart says about a particular matter. Take a moment, check inside, and see what answer is present.
You are going to encounter challenges and roadblocks for which there is no map or set path.
And yet, something does, indeed, know the way.
You — i.e., the deepest “you” there is — do. That you speaks in the silent language of intuition.
Are you listening?