Evolve or Die
(Mercury prepares to go direct.)
“Evolve or die.” Such were the stark words of Eckhart Tolle and, despite the shock factor, this author could not agree more.
Evolve, how? There are so many ways, you could take your pick. Immediate, global bans on plastic and fossil fuel production would help. Eliminating the world’s nuclear arsenal. Solving poverty. And so on.
External measures like these are important and, one day, will quite likely come to pass. However, we know that as within so without.
If a leaky faucet is flooding the house, you must plug the leak to stop the flooding and then you must repair the pipe causing it.
Similarly, without a corresponding change in human consciousness, you could clean up the world’s mess only to find it building back up again in no time.
Evolve or die. Mainly, we have to look at the need for approval. A deeply sinister force that enables and allows ills and evils of all types to have their way.
If “I” need your approval for any reason, I have abdicated my throne — I have abandoned the seat of Self, which is close to the original Aramaic definition of sin. My nervous, immune, and endocrine systems weaken, making me pliable to the wishes and whims of others.
Sound familiar?
Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Forsake not truth even unto death.” During this time of change, we must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for what we know is right. This doesn’t necessarily mean physical death, it can mean the death of your ego, the death of your fear.
Having tough conversations. Confrontation with inner and outer bullies. Honoring your feelings no matter what. Trusting your intuition. Understanding you belong to nobody and nobody belongs to you.
And spitting out, as a healthy immune system would, all that is an affront to truth and our naturally kind and compassionate human values.
Salvation is not in the future. It is not in the hands of anybody except you multiplied by everybody else. Be wary of anybody saying they are “the one.”
Evil cowers at the devotee who courageously occupies the seat of Self, her knowing eyes and presence pierce through the lies and intimidation.
You have to be willing to go it alone but there are many joining the ranks. Enough is becoming enough.
There is a better way. You know what it is. It’s time to go for it. What is there to lose? Approval? So, what? There are far scarier outcomes at hand.
Your weapon is your love of truth and your creative authorship that is Self-approved.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.