Your Time is Coming
(Mercury and The Sun enter Scorpio. Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus. Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio.)
“No feeling is final,” said Oscar Wilde.
Every emotion is fleeting. It comes. Stays for awhile. And then goes.
Particularly with so called darker emotions – fear, pain, anger, anxiety, depression, etc. — they jolt us because they are so uncomfortable, unpalatable even. We want them to go away, right away.
However, we don’t have that kind of control. We can control our response to these emotions but that’s a story for another day.
What’s important to remember during darker transits is that they are a) temporary b) for your highest good, and the highest good of others and c) there is balance.
One day, it’s the end of the world, panicked texts and phone calls to friends, and the next day, “What was I so worried about?”
That’s called being human.
The skill of remaining steady, inside, during times of trial and tribulation is a skill that pays dividends. It’s worth difficulty to develop it.
As with the development of any skill, you will fall down a lot in the beginning. You learn. You get better. Until, after awhile, you got it.
We have to keep things in perspective.
Especially now. Triggers are going to start coming fast and furious from multiple avenues — climate, economic issues, trouble in world systems, and so on.
We have to learn how to keep cool, keep steady, and know how to navigate through such turmoil.
We practice in our personal lives — now. Now is the time of preparation. Your training. Soon, it will be showtime and you will be ready to be a light to less prepared others.
In fact, outer issues will seem easy compared to the inner hills you have climbed! Truly.
Stay resolute, friends. Lean into your difficulty, open up to what it’s trying to teach you, and bow in gratitude when it eventually passes away. It was a gift in disguise.
Such is the way of the awakened, heart-centered human being who is here to help, in the truest sense of the word.
Your time is coming. 🙏🏻
Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat.
There is no right answer. Only take what resonates or offends. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.