Nothing Stays the Same
(New Moon in Pisces. Venus enters Aries. Jupiter meets Chiron in Aries.)
Nothing stays the same — everything, like a flowing river, is in flux. Your emotions, the daily news, the weather, and on and on.
And because nothing stays the same, everything is the same.
That is equanimity. A quality we are going to need more and more of in the coming weeks, months, and years as we start getting dealt water cards that will cleanse, purify, and destroy all that stands in the way of life.
Matriarchy is rising to usher us into a kinder age based on shared values, humanity, peace, and positive progress.
This is both a personal and collective process. It is time to soldier up for any being who stands for Truth, Love, and Compassion. You are going to be needed and, quite likely, right now are doing difficult inner work in preparation for the coming — healing, to be sure — storms.
Still, a storm is a storm and we must be ready, which means to be quiet, connected, and ready to take action — no matter what the calling is, or who or what it might require us to leave behind.
This is not a time to look to the masters, the mahatmas, or to any authority figure. It is time to look to the source of all knowledge, found in the deepest chambers of your heart-temple, where Truth speaks in the language of whispers.
Oh! how easy it is to be courageous in a climate of fear. And there is nothing more contagious than courage.
Creative force comes to those who take bold, creative, and aligned action.
Look not to the masses. Look not for approval.
Be the Truth and flow what it would have you do. Things small, things big. Listen.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.