This is Not a Drill
(As above: Jupiter inches closer to Chiron. Old wounds surface.)
We, collectively, are standing with feet on opposed sides of widening precipice.
Everything is changing.
We’ve had our tremors over the past 15 or so years — a global financial meltdown, political destabilization the world over, more than hints of the impact of a climate in distress, Covid-19, inflation and global production shortages.
Most will say, “It will work itself out.” “So and so will fix it.” More and more the masses will look to leaders who had more than a hand in letting these problems loose. “We’ll keep you safe. Just keep following our lead.”
The precipice is widening. If we do not let go of the side that is crumbling away, we are doomed to fall down with the skyscrapers and systems that are making their last gasp for air.
Male, authoritarian rule and all of its symbols is over. Thank you for your service, you have woken many of us up from a deep slumber and helped connect us back to the Truth. That was your part to play.
The faucet is about to be turned on. Water will flow. Waves will swell. Rain will fall.
This will require us to be nimble, light on our feet, and ready to move at a moment’s notice. That’s a type of fluidity.
This is and is not a time to root. Root yourself to your heart, but not to the soil.
Prepare for colossal uprooting and remain calm.
Those who are sober, clean of infection, and who have been doing their work — you know what that means — will do just fine. You are the builders of the new world that is to come. And some, out of compassion, may stay with those unfit to serve. The rain washes away the wheat and the chaff.
It is time to align with Mother, mother nature, and all things feminine.
This is not a drill.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.