Everything is Changing
(Ahead: Saturn enters Pisces(!). Full Moon in Virgo. Happy Holi!)
We are a little over a week into Lent. Holi in a few days. Ramadan in just over two weeks, immediately following the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
In two days, Saturn — the master teacher — leaves Aquarius and settles into Pisces for the next 2.5 years. The Sun is at the tail end of its year-long journey through the zodiac, and readies to enter Aries.
All symbols. All. Of letting go, shedding the old, and stepping into the new, which will look different for each human being that draws breath on this rock in the middle of nowhere.
What is no longer serving you? What can you cast into the holika flame? It could be a “weighty” object, a habit, or even an intention to make an important change.
Like rain, you can either let these energies pour over you, or you can put all your protective gear on and prevent from getting wet.
A little later this month, Pluto will settle into Aquarius for 20 long years after a 15-year stint in Capricorn. To put it mildly, this will move the needle of human history.
Endings and beginnings. Beginnings and endings. And we sit in the center of it all unmoved, witnessing, experiencing, and finding out who and what we are and are made of.
Rose petals are dropping from the sky. Every peace seeker should smile. This is the time we have been working towards.
Soon enough, our inner work will morph more and more into outer work of building a new world, as the old one crumbles under the force of mother nature — in particular, her water element.
We must learn to be flexible. Fluid. Spontaneous — and deadly serious. As glorious as this time is, it will come with its fair share of upheaval, chaos, and widespread fear. Many will not be able to adapt.
Keep joy in your heart, fierceness in your hand, and peace in your mind.
Suggested Use: Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat. Only take what resonates. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.