Truth or Fear

(New Moon in Gemini. Saturn sextiles Jupiter. Sun enters Cancer on Solstice. Happy Father’s Day.)

Adherence to truth is of paramount priority.

That means agreeing with what you know, and then acting on it or not.

If we veer from truth, we hurt. The hurt is there to let us know we are veering from truth.

If we adhere to truth, we might get hurt but that is a small (potential) price to pay when balanced against the power that comes from inner alignment.

Imagine a sovereign state following the laws of another sovereign state. Not only is the scenario absurd, if actual reality, total chaos and confusion would ensue.

It’s fear that will make you veer from truth, but only all of the time. Fear of being seen. Fear of rejection. Fear of abandonment. Fear of love. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of sovereignty. And so on.

When does it make sense to abide fear over truth?

Never. Never.

It’s a form of treason. Self-sabotage. Self-harm. And when the condition becomes chronic, you risk losing your humanity and becoming easily pliable to the wishes and whims of others, creating a vicious cycle of pain.

Time is running out. It’s time to become unafraid, survival is going to force it. It’s time to act on what you know to be true without any thought of consequences.

You don’t need to think like a politician and calculate how your move is going to play. Truth is acted upon for its own sake. Not for you, not for other, but because it is the truth.

What you’re going to find on the other side is that you are never alone. That you can’t lose anything. And that you have the world — literally — to gain.

What are you backing away from? What are you shy of? What makes you come alive? What in you says, “yes!” What brilliant idea struck you recently? What crossed the line? What begs for forgiveness?

If we are too distracted and entertained to find answers to these questions, God help us and very well played to those who want to keep your light switch off. You don’t think those people exist? They do.

Driving off a cliff will make you feel afraid.

Adhering to truth will make you feel human, alive, and capable. Yes, it’s scary too.

Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat.

There is no right answer. Only take what resonates (or offends). Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.