Release and Open

(Mercury goes retrograde 🙀 in Virgo. Sun enters Virgo.)

The heart’s intelligence is omniscient. All knowing. There is nothing your heart doesn’t know — about the past, present, or future.

Most of us develop mind intelligence, which is limited — quite limited. It can’t see through to all ends, is easily conditioned, imprinted, and prone to fear-based reactions if it doesn’t “get” something.

In the proper order, your heart charts the course and your mind is employed to assist the operations of the journey.

Without expert oversight, it is up to us to manage the natural tug that occurs between these two inner aspects of ourselves.

A spiritual journey wears many faces but, in essence, all are the same. More and more identifying with your heart, i.e., the real you, and letting go of mind dominance and control.

This is not a pretty process. Far from it. The mind does not want to give up control — it thinks it knows best.

The heart doesn’t concern itself with control — it knows we have none, what is, is best because there is nothing else.

Every so often we have the opportunity to reconcile. Something comes along to say, “Is your focus properly aligned?” And if not, ideally, we gently readjust, rather than continue to push for desired outcomes — the stuff of the mind.

Nobody said it would be easy to follow your heart — they just say to do it. It takes courage. Guts. And the fortitude to keep going after every fall, embarrassment, or misstep.

Bumps in the road are stepping stones to higher planes.

Remember that when and if the going starts to get a little rough.

Your soul’s journey has already been written. You are here to live it out. Your heart is the dutiful navigator — it knows where to go and when to turn. Your mind, the brilliant assistant.

Have pen and paper ready. Read this post once. Then read again, a little more slowly. Pause. Reflect. Journal any connections or intentions that come to you. Come back a few days later, and read again. Repeat.

There is no right answer. Only take what resonates or offends. Leave the rest behind, and kindly share if you feel another could be benefited.